Disgrace by Brittainy C. Cherry

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Each day I prayed for my husband to love me again.
After fifteen years together, he walked away from me, and into the arms of another.
I didn’t know how to cope. I didn’t know my worth. I didn’t know how to exist without him by my side.
All I wanted was for him to come back to me.
Then, Jackson Emery appeared.
He was supposed to be a distraction for my mind. A summer fling. A confidence boost to my bruised heart.
We were perfect for one another, because we both knew we wouldn’t last. Jackson didn’t believe in commitment, and I no longer believed in love. He was too closed-off for me, and I was too damaged for him.
Everything was fine, until one night my heart skipped a beat.
I didn’t expect him to make me laugh. To make me think. To make my sadness somewhat disappear.
When our time was up, my heart didn’t know how to walk away.
Each day I prayed for my husband to love me again, yet slowly my prayers began to shift toward the man who wasn’t right for me.
I prayed for one more smile, one more kiss, one more laugh, one more touch…
I prayed for him to be mine.
Even though I knew his heart wasn’t destined to love.
I love Brittainy C Cherry. Some of her stories are my all time favorite reads. The emotions she gets me to feel and the characters she writes are just beautiful.
Grace has not had a good time of it recently. Her husband has left her, he cheated on her, she is going home to her small town for the summer but he will be there as well. Add to the fact that her family is like royalty in town, her father the preacher, and she has to smile and be nice and courteous to everyone. Even if she feels like she is going to break and can't deal with everyone. I really liked Grace. She is one of those people who puts everyone before themselves. Who would never say a bad word about anyone even when they are being horrible to her face. She still puts up with it. Only she is such a people pleaser she doesn't know herself. She doesn't know what she likes, what she really wants, anything about herself. She has gone along with what other people wanted for so long she doesn't even know how to figure it all out. How to figure out who she really is.
Jackson is the town monster. Everyone knows he is horrible just like his father, the town drunk. And his family hates Grace and her family. Grace's family treated them like garbage and so Jackson doesn't want anything to do with her. Only when he meets Grace, when they keep crossing paths, she is nothing like he thought. She is kind and sweet and caring and he is still gruff and angry and hurt. He is broken, has been for a long time, and he doesn't know how to let people in. How to be nice and not hurt other people. Even though he is secretly so sweet and kind himself, he doesn't want to be hurt again. He knows what emotions can do to a person, just look at his dad. He doesn't want any part of that. Oh, my heart hurt for Jackson. He lives in a town that reminds me of where I grew up. Full of super Christian people that are the biggest hypocrites I have ever met. That claim to be all about Jesus and his teachings, but wouldn't help you no matter what. Because you were a kid when everything happened and your family is garbage. So you don't deserve it. Which is the exact opposite of what a good Christian should do. He is stuck in this town full of people who treat him poorly and that is the way it is.
Now, these two were so sweet together. I loved them. I know they both need to figure things out, need to get over their baggage if they are going to be together, but oh, I loved them. So if I loved them both so much why is my rating not higher? Well...I know how amazing this author can write. How she can make me almost cry through a story. How the emotions just sweep me away. But...this one while I really enjoyed it, while the writing was beautiful, was a bit...not as intense as I was hoping. For what the story was it didn't get to me as much as I know it could have. Plus towards the end some of the characters magically are not as bad as they were the entire story and it did make me roll my eyes a little bit. Trust me I wish it were so easy to get people to change their ways, especially considering the state of the US today, but it is not so believable. If they would have slowly changed and gotten better, done better things, I would have enjoyed it more. But the end? Oh, that was so sweet. I loved it. I feel like the very end was what I was hoping the whole story would be. While I did enjoy it, it is a sweet read, I wanted it to be more. But that's okay. It was a good read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★1/2
About the Author:
Hi! I'm Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I'm learning, things I'm re-learning, things I'm forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.

About the Author:
Hi! I'm Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I'm learning, things I'm re-learning, things I'm forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.
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