Christmas in the City Anthology by various authors

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Eleven newly written stories by Authors in the City authors.
This anthology will benefit Caring Community Foundation, located in Raleigh, NC where the 2017 Authors in the City book signing will be held.
Authors in the City is hosted by:
Stephanie's Book Reports

Christmas Once Again - Samantha Chase
Like Christmas - Ashlee Taylor
Ugly Sweater - Elizabeth Hayes
A Change of Heart - Shari J. Ryan
Christmas Break - Misha Elliott
Joyful Temptations - Janine Infante Bosco
Dancing Snowflakes - Madison Street
The Lovers of Vale - CS Patra
Christmas Interference - Jennifer L. Allen
Rewrite - Stephanie Rose
All I Want for Christmas - Savanna Grey


As with other anotholgies here are some short reviews for all the novellas!

Christmas Once Again by Samantha Chase - ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

Can I just say that I love this author? She always writes such fun, cute reads that I pretty much always enjoy. This story was no different. I was in a serious book funk when I started this one. I had just finished a really long, really boring book so I was a bit meh on reading. But I thought this would be a quick read so why not? Well I am glad I picked this up because the author pulled me right out of my funk. This is the story of two people who fell in love in high school, but circumstances prevented them from being together. Only now, at Christmastime eight years later, they run into each other again. He is a wealthy businessman and she is working as the staff. Can she trust him after what he did all those years ago? Is he in it for real this time? Oh, this was a fun read. I loved all the characters, and even though it was short it felt like a complete story. Loved it! Plus it got me out of my book funk! Hooray!

Like Christmas - Ashlee Taylor - ★ ★

This story was not for me. Really it read like it should be in a Halloween compilation. I didn't quite understand how the guy wasn't just super creepy. Maybe I am missing something. That and it wasn't a complete story, it just seems to stop right in the middle of things so you have to get a different book to see what happens next. The main character was a bit all over the place for me, and as I said the guy was creepy, always there in the shadows, so it would have made for a great scary story, not a holiday romance. Oh well. 

Ugly Sweater - Elizabeth Hayes - ★ ★

I don't usually read a lot of novellas because I find they usually try to tell too much story in too few pages. Kind of like this one. Two recntly-ish single bff's go to an ugly sweater singles party hoping to meet some hot guys. And they do, but I never really saw the connection. Things moved crazy quick and it just didn't work for me. Maybe with more pages, a longer story, I would have enjoyed it. I don't know, the writing otherwise was alright. This story just suffered from novella-itous for me and made me wonder what a full length story from this author would be like.

A Change of Heart - Shari J. Ryan - ★

I really did not enjoy this one. It started off and I thought oh, this will be a sweet, heartbreaking read. After all two friends who could die anytime and the one wants to give the other her heart when she will probably die soon? Yeah. That was so touching. The first two chapters. But then it got to be too much for me. Can I just say that hearts don't have thoughts or feelings or wishes. They don't. Nope. I couldn't deal with this one. The way the girl was for the whole rest of the story just made me angry. I hated how she couldn't do anything, couldn't do what she wanted, because it was not her heart to give out and all that nonsense. Nope. Not for me.

Christmas Break - Misha Elliott 

I don't really know how to rate this one. It was a little bit of a story of Sophie and Alex, characters who I don't know already and so I didn't really know what they were referring to most of the time. I would say this is not one you could just pick up and have a nice story to read. It felt like just some chapters from the middle of a book wasn't for me. If you know the authors other works and know these characters you may enjoy it, but if you are like me...there isn't much here. I even forgot that I had read this one already when I went back to write this review.

Joyful Temptations - Janine Infante Bosco - ★ ★ ★ ★

I haven't read anything else by this author, didn't know these characters or storyline, but unlike the last one this one worked. I instantly loved Blackie and Lacey, knew what they were all about, knew how much they cared for each other and wanted them to live happily ever after. Right from the first page. That was great. I am sure if I had read their story before this one I would have loved this even more. There was a lot going on in this novella, some ups and downs, but it never felt rush. Plus it felt like a complete story. Just Blackie and Lacey dealing with some things and figuring out their next steps. Sure you can read the next book to see what happens after, but you don't need to. I like that a lot.

Dancing Snowflakes - Madison Street - ★ ★ ★1/2

This was a cute read. Two people meet near Christmastime in New York City, but only one lives there. The other is heading back home to Chicago the next day. They both feel the connection, but what can they do when they live in two different places? Will they be able to figure out a way to be together eventually or are they destined to only see each other that once? A cute, fun holiday read.

The Lovers of Vale - CS Patra - ★

This felt like the first couple chapters of a longer book. It just ends and...I know they mention it is Christmastime and they have presents for everyone, but it didn't feel Christmasy at all. Now as for the story? I didn't care for it. Partly because it felt like you are not actually experiencing anything that is happening somehow. The conversations were a bit stilted for me, not realistic, and it was all just off. That and it repeated a lot. I would look away for a minute then come back and think I accidentally clicked back a few pages (it happens sometimes when I am carrying my Kindle around with me), but I hadn't. I was just being told basically the same information again for some reason. This story wasn't for me.

Christmas Interference - Jennifer L. Allen - ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

This story was wonderful. This is what I want in a holiday novella. A cute, fun story that left me wanting more. Brenna and Aaron are so cute together! She is a girl who has sworn off men after her last disaster of a boyfriend and he is the new guy on the local minor league hockey team. The same team that her brother plays for. Oh, this story was so much fun! Brenna thinks Aaron is hot, but she is not sure she wants to try dating again. Aaron liked her right from the start. There is just a spark between them. When they end up spending Christmas together what will happen? Loved it. I didn't want it to end. In fact I immediately went to see if there was another book about them so I could read more. Wonderful!

Rewrite - Stephanie Rose  - ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

This was another really cute holiday read. Brianna and Josh were wonderful to read. They have known each other since kindergarten, been best friends since then, and both love the other. Only they never say that. Josh because he is definitely not good enough for Brianna, he is always getting into trouble, but no matter what he does he doesn't scare her away. When he finally does something that forces him to leave she is heartbroken. Especially because he told her to forget about him. He wanted her to live a happy life, a better life, without him. Now it is 12 years later and Josh is back, but Brianna is not single anymore. Will they figure out a way to make this work, or did Josh push her away for good? Yes, Brianna was a bit...annoying at times with her what do I do?!? When it is obvious and not fair to some people how she is acting, but I still loved this story. And again went to see if there was more I could read somewhere.

All I Want for Christmas - Savanna Grey - ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

All I Want for Christmas was a great end to this holiday anthology. I loved this story. I love the demanding workaholic boss and the assistant whom he would be lost without fall in love story. Plus it all happens at Christmastime with some nice Christmas magic and this story is a winner. Noah and Mia were so cute together. Really a great read. 


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