#BookBlogWriMo Day 6: Borrowing books v. buying books

Day 6: Borrowing books v. buying books

Borrow or buy? I am a big book borrower. I have always been an avid library user. I remember every two weeks going to the library with my family and retuning all the books I had and checking out new ones. It was always so much fun. Rummaging through the stacks, finding a new book to read. Those were the best days. I still love going to the library or book store and just looking at books, making lists of ones I want to read. I haven't read a lot of classics that everyone else seems to have read and part of this is due to me just grabbing any book that looked interesting from the library. When you borrow books it doesn't matter if you end up disliking it as you just return it and get another one to read.

Besides using the library all the time I also bought a lot of books second hand when I lived in the states. I hardly ever bought any new, really in the states I rarely bought anything new as it is so easy to get good stuff second hand. Now since I live in Germany and am not quite fluent enough in the language yet to read books auf Deutsch I don't have as many books. I do read a lot of ebooks, I still get a lot of them from the library or when they are free/on sale. I rarely buy books from authors I don't know or haven't read yet. Once I have read a book, an ebook, if I absolutely love it then I will buy a paperback of it. Every year I go to an author event with a friend and I will buy some paperbacks of books I loved to get signed by authors in attendance. It is awesome as now my paperback collection is filling up with signed books. I love it! Still don't have that many paper books yet, but slowly but surely I am building my library.

So there you have it. I read so much there is no way I could buy all the books and still have money for food. The library is my best friend when it comes to reading. I get to read all the books I want then purchase the ones I love. That and ebook sales. I know I have said in prior days that I am not up on technology, and it did take me a long time to get on board with ebooks, but now I love them. I love this book related technology! Anything that lets me read so much but not go broke is a great thing in my book. 


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