#BookBlogWriMo!! Day 1: What have you been up too since BookBlogWriMo 2015?

Yes! It is that time again! Time for BookBlogWriMo!! BookBlogWriMo was created by Book Bumblings in 2014 so us bloggers can participate in the National November Writing Month without writing a book. Then last year Livre It To Me hosted it, and this year I was very excited to see The Perks of Being a Book Girl has taken over. Hooray! I feel like maybe I am a bit too excited about this right now. Maybe it is all the sugar I just ate. Or maybe I just love November and this event! I am not very good at coming up with non book posts to write so I love that I have a different prompt to write about every day. Alright onto day 1!

Introduce your blog/What have you been up too since BookBlogWriMo 2015?

Since I participated the first year I already wrote up the history of my blog here. So what has changed in the past year? What is new or different? Not much. After the first year I thought I would update the blog. Change the layout a bit, make a new header, things like that. I thought for sure I would get it done, but I didn't. I was just too busy. Now this year is even worse. I am taking intensive German classes which take up almost all of my time. You have class for a few hours every morning then spend the rest of the day doing homework and studying. It is a lot, but I am definitely learning German so that is great. I need to do it, want to learn the language here now that we can finally afford classes, but it leaves little time for the blog. Really it leaves little time for reading in general. 

Since all my time is now spent trying to learn a language I have significantly cut down on my blogging time. Last year, and every year since I started blogging, I was posting something every day. This year? Not so much. My goal is about every other day, but sometimes I have something happening every day, sometimes I go a few days between posts. It just depends on what is going on, what books have been released, what I have had time to read and write about. This past month has been especially busy as so many great books have been released and it has been awesome. I still love blogging, I love reading, I love talking about books. I just need to get a handle on the German language before I really get back into it again. And it will happen. Hopefully next year I will be able to implement some things I have been thinking about (like vlogging!) so we shall see. Maybe next year at this time I will have lots of fun things to write about. 


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