Beneath This Ink (Beneath #2) by Meghan March

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I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never stopped me from wanting her.
And then I finally had her for one night.
A night I don’t remember.
I figured I’d blown my shot.
But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I have the upper hand. I want my second chance.
Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?
Beneath This Ink is the story of Constantine and Vanessa. Con who blames himself for a lot of things. Con who didn't have the best start in life and seems to always loose what he hold most dear. Con who thinks Vanessa is way too good for him. And Vanessa who is a rich girl. Vanessa who always does what other people want. Vanessa who spent one night with Con a few years ago and hasn't been able to really get it out of her mind. Much like Con, but at least she remembers it. Then she left the next morning full of regrets and he hasn't seen her since. Until now. Until she needs something from him.
Con and Vanessa were so sweet together. Once they were able to get past all of their insecurities and issues and actually talk to each other it was awesome. Con has liked Vanessa forever, but never let her know that. He couldn't be with her and it was a lot easier to pretend he didn't want her than to let her in. Same with Vanessa only her family wouldn't have approved of her being with him so she runs. Now she wants to be the director of the family non-profit, but in order to do so she must get some of Con's family land deeded to the organization. There was a mix up when she was originally planning and now if he doesn't give the land over she won't be in charge. She will have shown that she can't do it, that the test of her being able to run the place failed. So she sucks it up and goes to talk to him. Only he is of course angry. Angry that she left two years ago. Angry that she is only here now for the deed to some land. Angry that he doesn't remember their one night together.
It was a lot of fun to watch these two. To get to know Con and see all the amazing things he is doing to try and help the kids on the street. To make sure they are fed and have a positive outlet. He was wonderful. And in order to get the deed she so wants she has to give him a chance. Actually date him, but in secret since if she did in public it would ruin her chances with the foundation anyways. It was so much fun watching Con figure out that Vanessa is not the perfect little stuck up rich girl he always thought. That she has issues to. That she wants him too. I really enjoy these books as the characters are just awesome. I loved both of them and seeing them overcome so much with the help of the other.
There are some other things going on, such as Lucas blackmailing Vanessa and Con trying to find who killed his parents. It all comes to a head at the end in such a wonderful way. It shows how much these characters grew and care about each other. I loved it. Such a fun read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
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