#BookBlogWriMo Day 21 & 22 - #SocialSunday Social Media Links & TBR list

Day 22 - Share all of your social media links. Do you have other blogs for other things beyond books? Share those, too!
For my social media for this blog there are links over there on the right hand side of the page or you can just click here for Facebook & Twitter
I also have a blog where I write up post about our travels, just whatever I thought, what we did, lots of photos. It started off as a place to post when we hiked the PCT to let everyone know how we were doing, then to update family and friends on living in Berlin, now it is just about our adventures. It is not always timely updated, but I do post everything eventually :) Anyways it is The Roaming Robots or on Facebook here
Day 22 - What books are on your To Be Read list?
What is on my to read list? Well way too many books to name! I just looked on Goodreads and I have 2,307 books, and I know that is not even all of them. I have the huge list of books for the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge that I am slowly working my way through. I am also going to the Four Brits Book Fest in Birmingham next year so I am trying to read something from all of the authors who are attending (though that is unlikely to happen since I just have way too many to read, but I will try my best). Really I have way too many books and I will never get to them all. I'm always adding new ones as I see books that sound good so it is a never ending list. That is just the way it is with books.
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