#BookBlogWriMo Day 2 & 3 - The Blogger Behind the Blog & What Do You Read

Day 2 – Who Are You & Why Are You Blogging?

Who am I? Well I don't really know how to answer that. I am Jen obviously ; ) I am just a girl who loves to read, always has, probably always will. I'm not sure what else people would care to know about me. Like I said in day 1 I love to travel, love being outside, love trekking and camping and hiking and everything like that. There are just so many beautiful places to explore. 
Why do I blog? Basically because I love it. I enjoy writing even though I don't know that I am the best at it. I write my book blog for myself really. It is great when other people read what I write, but even if no one ever did I would still write it. I read so much I like having the reviews to look back on and see what I thought of a particular book. Without the blog to keep me going I would just be lazy and just rate the books on Goodreads so it works for me. Plus having a blog has really opened up the whole book community to me. I love getting to know other readers and authors and it is just fun. Sure some days I don't feel like doing anything with it, but for the most part I just enjoy it.

Day 3 - What Do You Read?

What do I read? Well I will pretty much read anything if it sounds good. I think the better question is what don't I read? I don't really read westerns. I don't read a lot of fantasy or sci fi, but I have been exploring those genres more which has been fun. I really love horror and suspense/thrillers, but it is hard to find good ones. I don't read a lot of non-fiction just because I don't find a lot that is on a topic that interests me. I do really like reading dark, depressing stories. Really I just read whatever I come across that sounds fun. 


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