#BookBlogWriMo Day 14: What Role Do Books Play In Your Life

Day 14 - What role do books play in your life?

Books play a big role in my life. After all I am always reading. Every chance I get. I always have my Kindle with me so if I am waiting for the train or just have a few minutes I can read a few pages. I also love talking about books with other book lovers, have 2 books clubs I participate in every month (one in person, one online), and just am fully immersed in the world of books. I never knew before starting to blog how big and awesome the reader/author community is. I love that it is so easy to communicate with authors I love and find other friends in fans who love the same books as I do. I'm still terrible at interacting with people online, but I am trying to get better at it. After all I get to talk about books more that way! Reading has always been a big part of my life and I cannot imagine that ever changing.


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