Among the Echoes (Wrecked & Ruined #2.5) by Aly Martinez

Among The Echoes (Wrecked and Ruined)
*Among The Echoes is a stand alone novel which contains material that may be offensive to some readers. Including sexual abuse, graphic language, and adult situations. Intended for readers 18+.*
My name was Dr. Erica Hill. I was a victim, then a witness, and then I ceased to exist altogether.
I may still be breathing, but stripped of my identity, I have long since stopped living. I am invisible, and my life depends on my ability to stay in the shadows.
But he sees me.
Slate Andrews is the embodiment of everything I have been taught to avoid. He’s rich and famous, and one image of him with a woman would earn millions for any paparazzi lucky enough to snap it. He has vowed to protect me with his life, yet he exposes me with his every breath. I should be stronger and walk away. I should disappear. But I’m terrified he would come after me.
I’m on the run, determined not to take him down with me but absolutely unable to let him go.
My name is Riley Peterson…at least for today.
I really enjoyed Among the Echoes. The opening, the beginning, is pretty intense and man there are some messed up situations, but it all works out in the end. I started reading it thinking there would be a tie in to the first Wrecked & Ruined books, quickly forgot that this was part of the series, got towards the end and thought man, I wish there was a book about Leo and what happened to him then realized that is what book 3 is! Now I am really excited to read Sarah's story.
Among the Echoes is an intense read. Riley/Erica and Dave/Leo are in witness protection. Some things went down and people are after them. Erica has a lot of issues still. She hasn't really dealt with what happened and she is not really living her life. Until she meets Adam/Slate. She doesn't know he is a famous boxer. She doesn't know if he were out in a major city he could have paparazzi following him. She doesn't know that he could endanger her and Leo if people ever found out where he was. At first she only knows him as Adam the down on his luck boxer who doesn't have much. Right from the beginning she trusts him more than anyone else but Leo. When Leo sees how she is actually happy, actually starting to live with Slate he pushes her towards him.
Slate knows that Erica is not telling him the whole truth. He knows that she has a dark past, that someone hurt her before, and at first he just wants to help her. His mother was assaulted and he wants Erica to have the chance to live without fear of those who hurt her. He wants to give her the chance his mom never had. Only he quickly starts to fall for her. She showed up as this scared girl, but underneath that is a brave woman that is funny and smart and kind and he just can't get enough of.
This was a really rough read. Erica can't tell Slate about her past because that could endanger him. But as they get closer it gets harder to not say anything. It gets harder to keep him at a safe distance. Man these two. Slate loves her completely. He would do anything to keep her safe and luckily he can. They are so good together. I love that he was so kind and gentle with her always letting her take the lead. He never wanted to hurt her or have her be afraid if he can help it. It was so sweet when he got her to tell him everything that frightens her so he can make sure to never do any of them. He was such a sweetheart! He is a famous boxer, but he is also very private. He hates all the limelight. He just wants to live his life and do what he loves. He just wants to be with Erica. He was amazing.
I loved watching Erica grow and become more confident. The end? I was just cheering so much even though I was so stressed out about what was happening/going to happen. I loved it. These two just worked and it was a really great read. I debated whether I should read this or dive right into Sarah's story first, but I am so glad I read this one. Now I am looking forward to getting to know Leo more and see if I can resolve my issues with Sarah. It should be a great read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2
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