Blog Tour: Paper Hearts by Claire Contreras - Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

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I lost her. No, I didn't lose her. I threw her away. She was my best friend.
I was never supposed to fall in love with her. I was careless. She was heartbroken.
I thought I was doing fine. But here she is, years later, forced to work with me, reminding me why I fell in love with her in the first place. And this time I'm going to do everything in my power to never let her go.
Paper Hearts is the story of Mia and Jensen. It is a second chance romance and I really enjoyed it. This was the second book I read this week where the main character had qualities I normally hate, but the story was written in such a way that I really liked them. I always love when that happens.
If you have read Torn Hearts, the free prequel to this story, then you know Mia and Jensen were in love. They both thought the other was the one for them, but some bumps int he road tore them apart. Her mom said something in that story about how she was not with Jensen because she didn't like the idea of him being away at school with other women and Mia not being there. That Mia didn't like not having control of the situation. I see that. I see that in her. She just seems to be afraid of everything so much so that she is missing out. If she can control everything then everything will be fine, but if not...When she found out Jensen got some other girl pregnant her thoughts were immediately that she cannot be with him anymore, that should have been her baby even though she says she doesn't want kids, it just completely destroys her.
This story starts off with Mia in New York, where Jensen lives, working for the same place Jensen often works. So of course they get thrown together on an assignment. And what does Mia try to do every time? Run. That is what she always does. If things are uncomfortable, if she has to deal with emotions or anything, she runs. She tries to just stay in her safe, controlled little bubble. The problem is that doesn't work. She still loves Jensen even though she won't admit it. And his daughter? Well she doesn't even want to think about her. She is Jensen's with some other woman! Mia is ridiculous, but she is kind of pitiful at the same time. So much so that it is hard to be annoyed with her. I was reading and just thought normally this would be so irritating, but she is so sad I can't be annoyed with her.
Through it all Jensen keeps trying to win Mia over. He has never moved on from her. She has always been the one for him, and now that she in in New York for a few months he thinks this is his chance. He writes a column for the newspaper and she is in it a lot (even if she doesn't realize it). It is a long and bumpy road to get Mia to realize that a) she can take a chance with Jensen again and b) what her dreams were might not be her dreams anymore. That maybe she needs to make big changes to get what she really wants. She just seems to put her head in the sand and not know what is actually happening, but I really enjoyed this story. She is so afraid, but she learns to not be so much by the end. It was painful at times, heartbreaking for poor Jensen who kept throwing himself out there, but you do get the happily ever after eventually. Really a great read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2
Click here to read the first chapter for free!
About the Author:

Her favorite past times are: daydreaming, writing, and reading.
She has been described as a random, sarcastic, crazy girl with no filter.
Life is short, and it’s more bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her face allows. She enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way too many unhappy ones.
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