Blog Tour: A Little Faith (Men of Ocean Beach #1) by Emma James

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I had no idea a carefree island vacation would tear my life apart.
But now it’s time to put my walls up, make them impenetrable.
It’s the only way to survive.
Six Years Later…
Harley, the protector. Retro, the straight shooter.
Keanu, the funny bone. Levi, the model. And Text, who can’t seem to find himself.
All their lives were permanently altered by one event.
With a pact made, these five best friends need something from Faith.
Is she ready now to give them what they have been waiting for?
Join Faith as she goes on an emotional and heartwarming discovery where all may not be what it seems.
But with every ending, comes a new beginning, a second chance.
You just gotta have A Little Faith...
Welcome to Ocean Beach.
Wow. Okay. So first off I feel like I should say that this book does have a bit of a cliffhanger and man I need the next book! I can't really talk about what happens in the book as I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but it is not at all what I expected.
So the first chapter starts with that island vacation that changes everything. I am reading and not really liking it as it was a bit...too descriptive and too many people were introduced with too much info that I was just like well I am not going to remember all of this. Then suddenly stuff happens and I was like oh sugar pops this is what this book is about? Alright then.
The book is told from many different points of view. Each chapter changes the POV and I actually really liked that. I didn't like the first chapter's POV, but once it changed to Faith I started liking it more. Well then I started hating Faith when it jumped to six years later and how everyone treated her with such kid gloves like she would break at any second. She got really annoying with her inner monologue of how horrible she has been and what is wrong with her? Why is she so selfish? I was just like yes, why are you like this? It has been six years!! I really got annoyed with her quite a bit in those first chapters. Then she started to not be so whiny poor me what is wrong with me and I started to really get into the story. This is an example of one of why it hard for me to put down a book once I have started even though I am not enjoying it. The first 20% or so of this book I was just like I don't know about this...this is not that good. Then it changed and was way better and I started loving it. By the end I was just like wait there are only a couple pages left in this book!?! NO!!! I have to wait for more?!?! NO! So yeah. This book is an example of why I always finish books once I start. Sometimes they really do get better and become great books.
So what else can I say about this book? Well not much. I don't want to give anything away. There are a ton of characters though so maybe a re-cap of my thoughts on them? Alright.
Text - He was my favorite by far. I cannot wait to see how his story plays out. He is just...I loved him. He has a lot of issues, probably the most out of everyone in the book, but he is also sweet and kind and you can tell he is a good guy. Really when I got to the end I was upset because that meant I didn't get to see how things work out for him in particular. I need the next book (though something tells me his story won't be resolved until later)!
Harley - He was my least favorite of the guys. I didn't really like his voice for his sections of the book. He was a bit too over-protective of everyone for my tastes.
Retro - He was fun. He has a lot going on in this book and it makes me warm and fuzzy. I really liked him and his story. He was a great guy.
Keanu - He was my close second favorite. He was so funny and fun and I loved his attitude. Yes, he keeps a lot bottled up inside, but the way he is accepting of some of the things that he has to deal with was just really amazing. Not everyone would even be able to put up the front he does in his situation so I loved him. I would love to have him around and be bff with him.
Levi - I don't feel like I really got to know Levi in this book. I am sure he is great, just like the rest of them, but I didn't really get a good feel for him. I am sure he will be a bigger part of the next book so I will get to know him more then.
Slade - Another guy that I don't feel I really got to know. He seemed to be even less of a main character than Levi so we shall see if you get to know him more in the next book.
So that is it. By the end I loved most of these guys and how amazing they are. I was so into the book that when it ended I was caught a bit off guard. I keep thinking of how I want Text's story to end, and thinking about Keanu and Retro and all of them! Really loved this story by the end so if you are not enjoying it at first definitely keep reading. It turns into an amazing story and I can't wait for the next book (which is out now)!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Other books in the series:
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About the Author:

Emma James lives in Queensland, Australia with her supportive husband, three children and a big black Labrador. Life is busy and most entertaining in the James household.
Writing has been a part of her life for many years. Life was getting on and it was time to put her fears aside and do what she does best. It was time to show readers what she was made of, take that leap off the diving board and see where it takes her.
Emma is a creative person at heart. She loves to read as much as write, devouring books into the wee hours of the morning.
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