One Night with Her Boss (One Night Novella #4) by Noelle Adams

One Night with her Boss
Anne has worked for her sexy, ex-surfer, businessman boss for seven years, and she’s been in love with him for two. Jake doesn’t think about her as anything but his ever-efficient assistant, though. She’s been trying to get over her feelings by dating other men and interviewing for other jobs—which doesn’t make Jake very happy. But Anne is determined not to put her life on hold for him.
When she gets a new job offer, Jake will do anything he can to keep her, but he still only seems to want her as an employee. Anne might find him irresistible, but she’s learned to resist. There are lines that he’ll just never cross.
But then everything changes in only one night...
I generally enjoy Noelle Adams books, but One Night with Her Boss is not the best of her works. It was an alright read, but not as good as I would have hoped.
Anne has been working for Jake for a number of years now. She never meant for her assistant job to be permanent. She took it when she needed to be close to family and she has been in love with Jake for the past two years. She is finally starting to try and find another job and hopefully move on. After all to her Jake has never been anything but her boss. He never seems to want more from her, even if her friends think he does.
When Anne gives her two weeks notice Jake does not take it very well. He needs Anne. He wants Anne. Things move quickly as this is a novella, but that was fine. I was enjoying the story. My issue with the story? The sexy time was awkward. The writing was a bit off for me for some reason and it just didn't work. Not sure why as I have read the authors other works and never had an issue with this, but in this instant it just was not good for me. That and Anne is a little ridiculous at the end causing drama when there was no need. But it all works out in the end and everyone is happy. A good read, just not an amazing read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★
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