Unraveled (Turner #3) by Courtney Milan

Unraveled (A Turner Series Book 3)


Smite Turner is renowned for his single-minded devotion to his duty as a magistrate. But behind his relentless focus lies not only a determination to do what is right, but the haunting secrets of his past—secrets that he is determined to hide, even if it means keeping everyone else at arm’s length. Until the day an irresistible woman shows up as a witness in his courtroom…

Miranda Darling isn’t in trouble…yet. But she’s close enough that when Turner threatens her with imprisonment if she puts one foot wrong, she knows she should run in the other direction. And yet no matter how forbidding the man seems on the outside, she can’t bring herself to leave. Instead, when he tries to push her away, she pushes right back—straight through his famous self-control, and into the heart of the passion that he has long hidden away…


I really enjoyed Unraveled. Really I have loved all of the Turner brothers books, but the first and last, Unveiled and this one, are my favorites. Smite and Ash are just so...I just love them both so much. They both break my heart in different ways and I just loved reading them.

Smite is a loner. He is perfectly happy by himself living his normal life. He has enough money that he could live in a huge house with lots of servants and such, but he doesn't. He just has a small place. He had a hard time growing up with their mother and all, but the worst is that he cannot forget anything. He remembers everything that has ever happened to him. So I think it is particularly hard for him to try and move on since he remembers all. Since he has been working as magistrate he has been trying to make sure no one else falls through the cracks like he and his brothers did. He doesn't want others to suffer and he his harsh, but fair with his rulings. Really his fellow magistrates don't seem to care as much so he tries to do all he can for people.

When Miranda comes into his courtroom dressed in a disguise Smite recognizes her from another case. He tries to talk to her afterwards, but she escapes so he follows her. Miranda has not had the easiest of times. She lives in a bad part of town with a teenage boy she is taking care of. She has protection from the ruling force in the bad part of town, the Patron, but she doesn't want to be under his thumb anymore.

When Smite and Miranda meet they are both intrigued by the other. Smite knows he should stay away, but he can't. He thinks he can just have a month with Miranda and then have everything go back to normal. He does not expect to fall for her or care for her so much. It was really heartbreaking reading him and how he thinks he needs to be alone and hold onto his past to be effective at his job. I just wanted to make everything better for him. Miranda is so perfect for him. Even though they seem to be from two different worlds, they really have a lot of experiences in common. Smite thinks at one point how he never thought he would find anyone since he needs someone who knows what it is like to have hardships, like living on the streets, and also be intelligent.

Miranda is just so sweet with Smite. She is so fun and outgoing and just really pushes him to loosen up a bit. She likes a little bit of danger and one of my favorite scenes is when he tries to give her that, even though it is not what he would like. It just melted my heart how much he cared for her. She has been looking out for herself for so long and trying to get out from under the Patron, but she doesn't seem to be able to. I like that Miranda didn't try to just solve all of her problems herself. I liked that she included Smite in what is going on with her, especially once she grows closer to him. It is not the easiest for them to keep everyone they care about safe, but they do what they can. They are a great team and she really helps mend some of Smite's relationships and just is amazing. They both were amazing and I loved this book!

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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