The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway & Penny Reid

The Hooker and the Hermit
New York’s Finest
Blogging as *The Socialmedialite*
April 22
LADIES AND GENTS! I have an announcement!
You know that guy I featured on my blog a few months ago? The really, really hot Irish rugby player who plays the position of ‘hooker’ in the RLI (Rugby League International)? The one with the anger management issues, the body of a gladiator and the face of a movie star? The one with the questionable fashion choices leading me to ask whether he was the lovechild of a leprechaun and a hobbit? Ronan Fitzpatrick? Yeah, that guy. Well, I have a confession to make…
Annie Catrel, social media expert extraordinaire at Davidson & Croft Media and clandestine celebrity blogger, can make anyone shine in the court of public opinion. She is the Socialmedialite, anonymous creator of New York’s Finest and the internet’s darling. Virtual reality is Annie’s forte, but actual reality? Not so much.
Ronan Fitzpatrick, aka the best hooker the world of rugby has seen in decades, despises the media—social or otherwise. The press has spun a web of lies depicting him as rugby’s wild and reckless bad boy. Suspended from his team, Ronan has come to Manhattan to escape the drama, lay low, fly under the radar. Only, Ronan isn’t easy to overlook, and he can’t escape the notice of the Socialmedialite…
When Ronan is sent to Davidson & Croft Media to reshape his public image, he never expects to cross paths with shy but beautiful Annie, nor does he expect his fierce attraction to her. He couldn’t be happier when her boss suggests pairing them together.
What lengths will Annie take to keep her virtual identity concealed? And what happens when the hooker discovers who the hermit really is?
The Hooker and the Hermit is a collaboration between authors L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid, is a full length 110k word novel, and is a standalone.
The Hooker and the Hermit. I have put off writing this for long enough. I was hesitant, but excited to read this book. It is a joint venture between Penny Reid, who I love, and L.H. Cosway, who I have not really enjoyed in the past. Something about the way she wrote the male characters in the two books I read just creeps me out. So I was hoping that somehow together they would make something that was a good read. Let me say I was shocked to find that I did not really enjoy Penny's sections, but loved Cosway's. That just blew my mind since going in I would have said the opposite. Anyways this was an up and down read for me with an overall it was alright. Sad as I wanted to love it.
This book started off and I hated Annie. Hated her so much. Why? I am still not entirely sure. I hate her blog posts. Absolutely hate them. That first one made me so angry! Again I am not entirely sure why. I just don't like the whole pick on people for what they look like thing even if it is supposed to be a joke. I hated her so much I almost stopped reading in that first chapter. I almost put it aside as a cannot read book. Yeah, I didn't like her.
Then I get to Ronan and swoon. I was in love. I loved him so much! That first chapter from him was me yelling Exactly! Yes! I agree with you 100%! Be angry with Annie, I am! I love your response!!
Then we switch back to Annie and I was not happy. I again put the book aside and almost said no can do. Again. Why? Because I just really didn't like Annie. She gets all angry that Ronan is not a good sport about her making fun of him which just made me dislike her more. Like if someone doesn't like being made fun of then you get angry with them? No, sorry I didn't mean anything by it or whatever, no you get pissed that they have the nerve to not be happy with you? No. Do not like. That and she throws a hissy fit like a two year old when she doesn't want to do something. She is stubborn for the sake of being stubborn because she is not a grown up I guess. If this story was told only from Annie's point of view I would have stopped reading the book here. I just couldn't deal with her.
Then we get to Ronan again and I am just yey! This is great! So this cycle repeats a few times, hating a chapter, loving a chapter, until after Annie finds out that her snap judgements she made about Ronan might not be correct. Really that annoyed me as well since her job is a publicist for famous people and she knows how what is written in the papers is not always true. She puts false information, or information to misdirect from something bad, out for her clients so why would you trust anything about anyone at face value? Ugh can you tell she annoyed me?
So after those first few chapters where I really hated Annie I didn't think she would get to the point where I would enjoy her at all. I was happily surprised that she did start to grow on me and become a better person. I loved Ronan so eventually I was alright with then both. I still didn't love her, but I didn't hate her by the middle of the book. She stopped acting like she was two so she wasn't that bad. I started really getting into the story and loving watching the two of them come together. Ronan is just amazing and really good at pulling Annie out of her shell. I loved how he flirted dirty with her all the time. It was kind of hot and kind of amazing. So by the middle of the book I was thinking this has really turned around! This is getting really good!
There were a few more blog posts throughout the story and I must say I still didn't care for them. I didn't find them humorous, but that is probably just me. I don't read celebrity magazines or keep up on the gossip or anything. I just don't like it.
So if everything started to go well why is this just an alright read for me? The ending just kind of fell flat. Everything was going along fine, and then it just fell apart a bit for me. The touchy feely conversations, the trying to figure everything out, just didn't work for me. They felt too contrived. Like the conversations were needed to get across what needed to be said, but they weren't written in a way that made me feel it was just some people talking. It was more like okay we need to say x, y and z now for the story so we are. It wasn't that bad, it just wasn't as good as the story was prior to it. So the book started on a very low, got way better, then ended on an eh so overall an alright read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★
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