Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge

"I live in two worlds, one is a world of books." -Rory Gilmore
I was super excited when Gilmore Girls was added to Netflix last year as I love love love that show. It is definitely one of my favorites. At the time I kept seeing references to the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. Prior to this I hadn't heard of it, but someone compiled a list of all 339 book referenced in Gilmore Girls! Well I knew I needed to work my way through the list as I had not read very many of them so that is what I am going to do. The end of last year was a bit busy for me so it got pushed off until this month, but here we go! So I am just going to read through the list kind of in order. I have read a few of the books for book club so I might read some out of order for that, but otherwise just I will just read them as they are listed. If I have read the book before and remember reading it I might skip it for the time being and then come back and re-read the skipped ones at the end. I might also re-read them as I go if I enjoyed them or if I just feel like it. We shall see. I'm quite excited about this just because it gives me something fun to do and will get me to read a lot of books I otherwise wouldn't. It should be fun! So if you want to see my progress I have added a tab at the top with a list of all the books. I will update it with links to my review as I read them (or a quick note if I have read it before). I know it is going to take forever, but it will be fun times!
First up will be Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Look for my review tomorrow!
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