Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


One day, a young girl named Alice is sitting on the riverbank with her sister, when she sees a curious looking white rabbit. She soon after falls into the magical world of Wonderland, where she meets a series of strange creatures.


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is the first book for my Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge! It was such a great first read for this challenge! So fun and silly and just ridiculous in really amazing way. I loved it. I loved how the story just kind of goes round and round and gets off track every two seconds. You just keep meandering here and there and everywhere. I loved how it would go from one thing to another by use of the same sounding words, but different meanings in just ridiculous ways. Like when Alice was wet and needed to get dry the one character starts reciting the driest thing he knows which is just...oh I just loved it. I love word play things like that, especially when it is so whimsical. I just loved how silly everything was. I laughed a lot while reading this short story.

Now this is a quick read I didn't really analyze the story, thinking a lot about what was happening and what it all might mean or anything while I was reading. I really think that would ruined it. I mean you could discuss what everything represents and whatnot, but why bother? It seems like this is more just a humorous tale told from a child's point of view that is just so much fun. Overanalyzing it would just ruin that wonder and nonsensical world you get thrown into. Such fun times! I am glad this was on the list of books to read as I had never read it before. I hope the next book on the list is just as good as this one was.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

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