Best Reads of 2015

Every year I sit down on the last day to write up my best of list. Every year I have a hard time deciding on which 20 books were my favorite reads, but usually it is doable and I have one or two books that stand out as a bit better than the rest. One or two books that are my my absolute favorite reads. This year is no different, I'm sitting here coming up with my list, but man 2015 was an amazing year for books! I have read so many wonderful stories that picking just 20 was incredibly difficult. More so than in past years. I started just listing every book I absolutely loved and had way too many. So then I said okay, just one in a series if I had more than that on the list, but even that was way too many. I finally had to decide on just one per author which still left me with more than I had wanted. It was hard coming up with just 20 books, series, or authors that I loved reading this past year. And the real kicker? I don't have one or two books that stand out as better than ...