#BookBlogWriMo Day 30: #BookBlogWriMo Wrap Up

Day 30: #BookBlogWriMo Wrap Up

Wow, I can't believe it is the end of November already, which means the last day of BookBlogWriMo! Even though this month was incredibly busy for me, and adding this daily writing challenge made it just a tad more stressful, I am glad I signed up for it. I like the daily writing challenge and I am going to miss it tomorrow. I like just writing about random things that are book or blog related. And yes, I did type these up every day instead of writing them a chunk at a time and scheduling them out. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just wanted to get myself to write at least a little bit every day just as a personal challenge. Some days were harder than others because I was tired or busy or whatever and either didn't feel like writing or didn't have much time, but I still go it done. Some days were difficult because I didn't have much to say on the topic, but I still really enjoyed waking up and writing something. This challenge did make me look at my blog more and how I do things and made me think of ways I might improve or things I could post most often that might be fun. As I said yesterday I would like to continue writing more non-review posts so we shall see how it goes. This was a lot of fun and I hope you all have enjoyed learning a little more about me and my ways.

Thank you so much to Brittany at Book Bumblings for setting this up for us!! I know it was a lot of work organizing it, but I think it worked very well. I loved reading other peoples responses everyday and writing my own. So thank you for being awesome and making this challenge for me to participate in!

I guess that is all. I can't believe it is over already. It has been a lot of fun. Thanks so much for reading. I hope everyone has a happy holiday!


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