#BookBlogWriMo Day 21: #FlashbackFriday – Your First Reviews

Day 21: #FlashbackFriday – Your First Reviews
Oh man, my first reviews. I haven't look at these in forever. Here are links to my first 10 reviews.
1. Worst Week Ever by Liza O'Connor
2. Him by Carey Heywood
3. Crazy Beautiful Love by J.S. Copper
4. You Against Me by Jenny Downham
5. Two Thousand Miles by Jennifer Davis
6. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
7. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
8. Forbidden by Syrie James and Ryan M. James
9. Unteathered by Katie Hayoz
10. Killer by Stephen Carpenter
Wow, going back and looking at these reviews...they are not very good. Most of them are just I liked it/didn't but not much of why. The books I remember I really enjoyed I kind of want to go back and re-write. Yeah. I definitely feel like I have gotten better at writing reviews since then. I don't often go back and read them, so this was quite interesting. I didn't think I had really grown that much as a writer. If you would have asked me I would have said they are about the same as they are now, but looking at these that is not really true. Some of the books I don't really remember, like Forbidden, and that review does not help me at all remember what I liked/didn't like about the story. Or why you should/shouldn't read it. Crazy. This was a fun one today. I should do this more often, go back and re-read some older reviews just to see what has changed.
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