#BookBlogWriMo Day 16: Least Favorite Book Blogging Things

Day 16: Least Favorite Book Blogging Things
Hmmm....this is a hard one for me. I don't really have much that I don't like about book blogging. Sure sometimes I don't feel like writing, but I need to get a review out so I do, but that is not that bad. Sometimes I get a little stressed before going on vacation trying to make sure I have everything done and reviews posting for the days I will be gone, but again that is not too bad.
I guess my least favorite thing is probably when I sign up for a post, cover reveal, blog tour stop, whatever, and I don't get the information for my post until the last minute. Like the night before, or sometimes the morning of since I am in Europe. I know there are reasons why this happens, like someone is still waiting on that last piece they need before they send it out or whatever, but it is still annoying. I like to have my stuff done well ahead of time if I can so I don't stress about it. I get busy with things, sometimes last minute, and so having a few days to get my posts together is great. This is not terrible, and I don't really stress that much or anything, but it is probably my least favorite thing. Other than that I love book blogging.
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