#BookBlogWriMo Day 12: Advice for Newbie Bloggers

Day 12: Advice for Newbie Bloggers
Hmmm...advice for newbie bloggers you say? Well I don't know that I have a lot. I feel like I am still a newbie even though I have been blogging for a while now. Let's see what I can think of while I type this up. Sometimes more comes out when I write then I originally expected. Here goes.
1. Blog about something you love. Seriously, if you don't love it you probably won't stick with it for long. I had a restaurant review blog before, but I didn't end up sticking with it as I just got tired of it after a while. When I started I loved it, but the constant having to find new places to eat and such just kind of got to me. This book review blog though I love. I can't see myself ever stopping completely. If my life gets crazier I might not have as much time to read, but I will still write up my reviews and post them when I do. Some days are harder than others still. Some days I don't feel like writing, or am too tired or whatever, but I still love it. So make sure it is something you love.
2. Don't expect to get paid. I suppose some people make some money on their blogs, but I don't think most people make much, if anything. Do it because you love it, not for money. If you end up being rich from it great, but don't expect that to happen.
3. Make sure your blog is easy to read. I find some that the color schemes are just too hard to actually read the text so I don't. Or the layout it just really difficult to find the actual content I want. They might have great content, but if it is too difficult to read I won't.
4. Make what you would want to see. My blog is pretty simple and not a lot of bells and whistles. That is the way I like it. Really when I set up my blog I thought about what I did and didn't want to post about and what I wanted it to look like, etc. I wanted it to have mostly reviews as that is what I wanted in a book blog and I was having a hard time finding that at the time. Most of the blogs I was finding were full of just promo posts or cover reveals, not content telling me if they did/did not like the book and why. So I keep those kind of posts to a minimum, and they have to be for books that I will read and review once they are released, books I am excited about. It works for me so it is all good. If you want something different, like just a promo blog or something, great. Post that. Just do what makes you happy.
I guess that is all I have right now. Not really rocket science and boils down to do what you love and makes you happy. Post what you would want to see and it will all work itself out. Till tomorrow then.
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