Blog Tour: A Very Grey Christmas by T.A. Foster - Review & Giveaway

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I was getting ready to spend the single most important holiday of the year alone. Completely and utterly alone.
That meant he wouldn’t be there Christmas Eve. No making Christmas cookies, or listening to my dad sing off-key while my mom bustled around wrapping last-minute gifts. No decorating the tree. No midnight Christmas kiss.
No waking up in Grey’s arms. We were actually going to spend our very first Christmas in different states.
That was until Grey gave me the most unexpected gift of my life.
A Very Grey Christmas was a cute addition to the Kissing Eden series. It's a short read and you get to see Eden and Grey and how they spend their first Christmas together as a couple.
I must note though that at first Eden comes off as really whiny. I understand she didn't want to spend Christmas apart from Grey, but oh man. You don't need to be so whiny and try and make him feel terrible about not being there with you. At the same time I get it. He couldn't come with you and that kind of sucks. It is not the best being apart for Christmas, especially when for you it is the most romantic holiday of the year. Sometimes this is the way things work out though. Thankfully it has been a long time since I have had to spend the holiday apart from my husband, but there was a year or two after we first started dating when we did. He just wasn't able to come home with me and I didn't like it, but couldn't really do much about it.
Of course Grey is so amazing and he will do pretty much anything for Eden. Everything works out in the end and Eden and Grey are happy and it was just really nice getting to spend a little more time with these characters. It was nice to see what Christmas traditions Eden's family had and everything they did to make the holiday fun. A great intro to the holiday season! Definitely check it out if you enjoyed the rest of the series. It is great to be able to see a little more of this couple and their relationship. A great holiday read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★1/2

About the Author:
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Rating: ★ ★ ★1/2
Prior Books in the Series (click title for my review):

T.A. Foster once spent a monthlong spring break on South Padre Island, where she soaked in the Texas sun, beach, and learned what real Texas country music is. Sometimes fiction does spring from reality.
She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children, and two canine kiddos.
T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing, or planning her next beach trip.
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