Kissing Eden by T.A. Foster

Kissing Eden
Have you ever thought of taking a vacation alone? I mean step on a plane, check into your hotel, and lie on the beach completely and utterly alone. No? Me either, but then right before senior spring break I got dumped.
Something about break ups makes you do things you didn’t want to do, and try things you didn’t know you were capable of.
That’s how I ended up at the Palm Palace.
That’s how I met Grey.
That’s how my spring break turned into the most unforgettable week of my life.
I know I didn't read these books in order, but it worked. At first I thought Kissing Eden was not as good as Loving Eden, but I quickly got into the story and loved it just as much. Eden and Grey's story is really fast, they don't have that much time together before they fall in love, but it works. I believe it and see that they care about each other.
Eden has just been dumped by her boyfriend and still went on their spring break they had planned only to find he stole her hotel room! Things don't start off so good for her and she ends up at the Palm Palace since it is the only place that is not booked with spring breakers. The place is kind of run down and Grey is super prickly at first, but Eden is still drawn to him.
Grey has inherited the Palm Palace from his grandfather and has been trying to get up and running. It is falling apart and he is trying to save it as it is the last thing he has from his family. He is not very open and closes up easily, doesn't share a lot, but somehow Eden worms her way in. He still can be a jerk at times, but it seems more like he needs to learn to let someone else in and help him than he is trying to be mean. He will walk out or shut down when things get rough, but he doesn't mean it. That has just been his go to before now.
Grey and Eden spend a wonderful week together for her spring break. Eden is so kind and caring and tries to help Grey as much as she can. She wants him to succeed and do whatever it is he wants to do with his life, and there are some issues but everything works out in the end. It was really a great story and loved reading it.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2
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