The Promise (Thunder Point #5) by Robyn Carr

The Promise: Book 5 of Thunder Point series


Scott Grant has a bustling family practice in the small Oregon community of Thunder Point. The town and its people have embraced the widowed doctor and father of two, his children are thriving, and Scott knows it's time to move on from his loss. But as the town's only doctor, the dating scene is awkward. That is, until a stunning physician's assistant applies for a job at his clinic. 

Peyton Lacoumette considers herself entirely out of the dating scene. She's already been burned by a man with kids, and she's come to Thunder Point determined not to repeat past mistakes. When Scott offers her a job, at a much lower salary than she's used to, Peyton is surprisingly eager to accept…at least for now. She's willing to stay for a three-month trial period while she explores other options. 

Scott and Peyton know the arrangement is temporary—it isn't enough time to build a real relationship, never mind anything with lasting commitment. But love can blossom faster than you think when the timing is right, and this short visit just might hold the promise of forever.


The Promise is the fifth book in the Thunder Point series. It has been a while since I read the last one so I didn't remember who everyone was. There was a lot of catch up telling you who was who and whatnot, which even though I didn't remember everyone (there are a lot of characters by this point) it got to be a bit tedious to me. This wasn't my favorite book in the series, but it was an alright read.

Peyton just got out of a three year relationship with a guy who never really seemed to care for her. He just seemed to want a nanny/babysitter/whatever to take care of everything he didn't want to. He had three kids who were a nightmare to Peyton. He was also her boss and when she left she really lost everything. She also learned that he had been cheating on her and really it was all just a big mess. Ted, the ex, seemed like such a jerk. She even realizes that she stayed way longer than she should have. She didn't want to be a failure so she stayed.

Scott you have met in earlier books. He is the widowed town doctor with the two adorable kids. When Peyton decided to stay in Thunder Point for 3 months and work with Scott she thought he was married. If she would have known that he wasn't she probably wouldn't have stayed. After all she didn't want to be a babysitter again for her boss' kids. Even though Scott is nothing like Ted Peyton keeps holding back and making remarks that makes him think she is not sure of that. Scott is totally open and honest with her. He is such a good guy and he tries to move slowly with her. He knows she is not going to stay forever, but he makes sure she knows he loves her and wants her forever.

Some slight spoilers ahead. Things go along smoothly until Ted shows up wanting Peyton back. She doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, why would she when she has Scott, but because she is not open with Scott with how she is feeling and what she is thinking he is jealous. I mean Ted appears to have it all and can give Peyton everything, but what does Scott have? He doesn't have a lot of money, he lives in a little town, he doesn't have everything he thinks she deserves. She also has a great job offer in Seattle which would take her away from him. He knows she is considering it, so after Ted shows up and he is hurt and she has to leave to be with her sister who went into labor he tells her to take this time to think. Take this time to really figure out what she wants and come back only if she wants to stay. He doesn't want her to just uphold her last month commitment if she is just going to leave. That would be too hard on him. What does she say? Okay, I will think about it. She doesn't tell him how she feels. She doesn't tell him how she wants to stay in Thunder Point, even once she has made that decision she doesn't tell him. Then when Ted's daughter calls her for help she goes running and doesn't understand why Scott would be upset. She is hurt that Scott could be unsure of her feelings. Why? Well I don't know. She never told him how she felt! Never! He was so open and honest with her and she always held back. So why would he think that she was choosing to be with him when she didn't even tell him she loved him? It just annoyed me how dense and stupid she was at the end. I felt bad for Scott. Then he ended up being the one to apologize and seek her out. I did not like that. She is the one who should be apologizing and telling him how she feels and everything. She is the one in the wrong in my opinion. So that really made the story end on kind of a bad note for me.

Of course since this is a Thunder Point novel you have more than just Scott and Peyton. I loved Rowley and Carrie's side story. Even though it wasn't really romantic, it was sweet. Rowley is a great guy even if he tends to keep to himself. In earlier books you could really see how big his heart is and how he cares about people. It was sweet. That and Sarah's baby and catching up with everyone else, even briefly. I loved those parts when they weren't just this is so and so, when it was showing what has happened since we last saw them. So overall an alright read. Not my favorite in the series as Peyton annoyed me by the end, but still good.

Rating: ★ ★ ★


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