Blog Tour & Giveaway! Assumption by Aurora Rose Reynolds

a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof
They say when you assume that you make an ass out of you and me. Kenton Mayson learned this lesson firsthand when he made assumptions about Autumn Freeman and the kind of woman she is based on what little information he had. What he finds out is she’s not only beautiful, but also smart, funny, a fighter, and exactly the kind of woman he wants to share his life with. Autumn made assumptions of her own about Kenton, and now he needs to prove her wrong in order to protect her and their future.
Oh Aurora Rose Reynolds you sure know how to write super hot alpha males that just make me melt. I loved the Until Series so I was super excited to read Assumption. While it is similar in feel to the Until Series, it is different as well. If you liked those books you won't be disappointed with this one.
Where the Until books were love at first sight, Assumption took longer for the main characters to fall in love. There is an attraction at first, but man Kenton does not handle things well at all. He thinks Autumn is a stripper and makes assumptions based on that. She never corrects him, thinking he is a jerk. She has a lot of issues with trusting people and letting them in, letting her walls down. Her mom was a nightmare, her first and only boyfriend not much better, and she just hasn't had the best of times. She isn't super jaded and hard all the time though. Somehow she is still kind of sweet and kind which was nice. She does have some anger issues and acts like she is 12 sometimes (like the bed scene...while I was laughing at it as it is kind of hilarious, at the same time I was like what is wrong with her?). Since that first boyfriend she has never been attracted to someone else until Kenton. She doesn't recognize what she is feeling and doesn't always know what to do with it. She was a good female lead, strong and pushes back, but fragile and scared at the same time. She was great to read.
Kenton is attracted to Autumn at first, but he doesn't really know what to do with the fact that she is a stripper. He doesn't have anything wrong with them in general, but he doesn't share. He tries to keep Autumn at arms length and push her away so he doesn't have to deal with trying to figure this whole situation out. Of course he doesn't last as well...they are living together and he is drawn to her. The one negative I have about this book is I wish we would have had more Kenton point of view chapters! I wish we would have seen from him how he was feeling towards Autumn more. We get some, but I wanted more!
There is a lot of push and pull in their relationship. Once Kenton decides he is all in that is it. He keeps trying to get Autumn to open up to him, to let down her walls. Every time he gets somewhere with her she shuts down again shortly thereafter. He was always pushing her past what she wanted trying to get her to let him in. I really enjoyed watching her try to process her feelings and try to figure this whole thing out. I loved them together and loved reading their story. Loved how overprotective Kenton was of her and loved how she dealt with her issues and became stronger and stronger. A great read from a great author. Can't wait for the next book now! (keep reading for an excerpt from the book and giveaway!)
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh Aurora Rose Reynolds you sure know how to write super hot alpha males that just make me melt. I loved the Until Series so I was super excited to read Assumption. While it is similar in feel to the Until Series, it is different as well. If you liked those books you won't be disappointed with this one.
Where the Until books were love at first sight, Assumption took longer for the main characters to fall in love. There is an attraction at first, but man Kenton does not handle things well at all. He thinks Autumn is a stripper and makes assumptions based on that. She never corrects him, thinking he is a jerk. She has a lot of issues with trusting people and letting them in, letting her walls down. Her mom was a nightmare, her first and only boyfriend not much better, and she just hasn't had the best of times. She isn't super jaded and hard all the time though. Somehow she is still kind of sweet and kind which was nice. She does have some anger issues and acts like she is 12 sometimes (like the bed scene...while I was laughing at it as it is kind of hilarious, at the same time I was like what is wrong with her?). Since that first boyfriend she has never been attracted to someone else until Kenton. She doesn't recognize what she is feeling and doesn't always know what to do with it. She was a good female lead, strong and pushes back, but fragile and scared at the same time. She was great to read.
Kenton is attracted to Autumn at first, but he doesn't really know what to do with the fact that she is a stripper. He doesn't have anything wrong with them in general, but he doesn't share. He tries to keep Autumn at arms length and push her away so he doesn't have to deal with trying to figure this whole situation out. Of course he doesn't last as well...they are living together and he is drawn to her. The one negative I have about this book is I wish we would have had more Kenton point of view chapters! I wish we would have seen from him how he was feeling towards Autumn more. We get some, but I wanted more!
There is a lot of push and pull in their relationship. Once Kenton decides he is all in that is it. He keeps trying to get Autumn to open up to him, to let down her walls. Every time he gets somewhere with her she shuts down again shortly thereafter. He was always pushing her past what she wanted trying to get her to let him in. I really enjoyed watching her try to process her feelings and try to figure this whole thing out. I loved them together and loved reading their story. Loved how overprotective Kenton was of her and loved how she dealt with her issues and became stronger and stronger. A great read from a great author. Can't wait for the next book now! (keep reading for an excerpt from the book and giveaway!)
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
I see you judging me. I know what you’re thinking. She has to be a slut; she works at a strip club and takes off her clothes for money. Yes! I work at a strip club, and you may think I’m a whore for showing off my body, but this is a talent that has been forced down my throat since I was a young child. Look pretty and smile. I put on a show for those who choose to watch. However long I’m on stage, I’m not even me. It’s what I imagine an out of body experience would be like—a performance, nothing more, nothing less. The people watching make assumptions about who they think I am, or cook up a story in their heads of whom they want me to be. I’m just another beautiful face.
Beautiful. I hate that fucking word. Who gives a crap if someone is attractive on the outside if they are dying inside? My whole life has been about what I look like. I swear, the only reason my mother kept me was to have a real-life, living, breathing doll she could dress up and control, which is the exact reason why as soon as I became eighteen, I got as far away from her special brand of crazy as I could. That’s also why I don’t date. The first thing guys do is look at me and see a pretty face, a nice body, and an empty space where my brain’s supposed to be. They have no interest in getting to know the person I am on the inside. They don’t care I volunteer my spare time, and they couldn’t care less I’m going to school to be an RN. They don’t ask about my hopes, my dreams, or about where I see my life in twenty years. They don’t care about me at all.
They just want someone pretty to follow them around and tell them how handsome they are, how special they are, while agreeing with everything they say. Fuck that! I did that for too many years. That’s why I live inside books. At least there I can choose where I want to be—from the highlands of Scotland, to a king’s bed in a faraway land—and even if it’s pretend, sometimes that’s a lot better than reality.
Also the ENTIRE Until Series is AVAILABLE in one box set! I LOVED these books
Until Series Individually (click the title for my reviews):
Until Trevor (Until #2) available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads
Until Lilly (Until #3) available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads
Until Nico (Until #4) available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads
About the Author:

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who's husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She's married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it's beauty.
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