Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend Quartet Book 4) by Monica Murphy

Four Years Later: A Novel (One Week Girlfriend Quartet Book 4)
New Adult bestselling author Monica Murphy winds up her sensational series with this sexy story of two college kids with nothing in common but a bunch of baggage and a burning attraction.
Over. That about sums up everything in my life. Suspended from my college football team and forced to cut back my hours at The District bar because of my crappy grades, I can’t keep turning to my sister, Fable, and her pro-football playing husband, Drew, to bail me out. I just can’t seem to find my own way. Weed and sex are irresistible temptations—and it’s messed up that I secretly hand over money to our junkie mom. A tutor is the last thing I want right now—until I get a look at her.
Chelsea is not my type at all. She’s smart and totally shy. I’m pretty sure she’s even a virgin. But when she gives me the once over with those piercing blue eyes, I’m really over. But in a different way. I won’t deny her ass is killer, but it’s her brain and the way she seems to crave love—like no one’s ever given her any—that make me want her more than any girl I’ve ever met. But what would someone as seemingly together as her ever see in a screwed up guy like me?
Four Years Later was a great read. I loved it and the ending worked, unlike Three Broken Promises (the last book I read by this author). A great read and a great end to the series.
Owen messes up a lot. He doesn't mean to, but he just does. He has not had the best home life, his mom is a mess and always has been. She manipulates Owen into doing things he normally wouldn't because he feels bad. He smokes pot with her, something that used to be fun and cool, but lately is kind of annoying. She always shows up wanting to smoke and drink and get money from him. Even though he knows he shouldn't give her anything, he always does. His sister would be very upset if she found out he was still in contact with their mom. His sister had cut her out years ago and is fine with that. Owen just can't seem to cut his mom out of his life.
He also smokes when things get too difficult for him. He has been working a ton, going to school, not studying or completing his homework, and playing football. He really is a smart kid, he just doesn't have enough time for everything. He needs to work so much to help his mom out and then everything just starts to fall apart. He is finally at the point where he can't play anymore until he gets his grades up. He meets with everyone and they give him a tutor to help with his school work. He is none to happy with this since he just doesn't have the time!
Chelsea is very similar to Owen in a lot of ways. Her dad has been in and out of her life, always telling her mom how much he loves her and will be there for her, then cheating on her and stealing money. He is currently in jail for embezzling money and Chelsea wants nothing to do with him. She learned from a young age, and her mom is always saying, boys are nothing but trouble. She is very inexperienced when it comes to guy as it just doesn't work for her. She sees what can happen if you let them in. So she is just coasting through life without many real friends or connections. She studies a lot and tutors and works a second job trying to make money to help her mom.
When Owen and Chelsea first meet they are both drawn to the other. They both think the other is too good for them, nothing like them, and no way would the other be interested in them. It was great. I loved reading both points of view, how both think the same thing. Owen does step up and ask her out and from there that is that. Yes there are issues and struggles to deal with, Owen messes up a time or two, but he is so sweet with her. He just...I loved them together. She needs someone who is caring and kind and Owen is that guy. Yes they have to work on telling each other their secrets, but they just work. I loved them together and loved reading their story.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2
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