Until Nico by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Nico (Until Series Book 4)
Sophie Grates has never had it easy, but she’s finding her way through life one step and one day at a time. That is, Until Nico comes in and flips her world upside-down. He forces her to see you cannot live life from the outside looking in, and sometimes you have to step out onto the ledge so you can really enjoy the view.
Nico Mayson knew the moment he saw Sophie Grates that she was the one. His whole life, he has been judged by what’s on the outside, so finding a beautiful woman who sees the real him only makes his feelings that much stronger.
Nico knows the kind of man he is, and the things he is capable of, and he will do everything in his power to help Sophie fight her demons so they can have their happily ever after. Everything in life worth having is worth fighting for.
Until Nico is another great book by Aurora Rose Reynolds. I just love all of the Mayson boys and their big, over possessive, caveman alpha ways. She really knows how to write them in a way that I love. Not all authors can do this. I find a lot of times I am just so so on alpha males, or really hate them. Not the Mayson boys. And Nico....Nico is amazing. His whole tattooed, pierced don't mess with me vibe makes me swoon. I love it. I loved him.
Sophie is so sweet and innocent. She has not had the best past, some things happened that traumatized her and made her turn inward. She really only has one friend, and she is in Seattle. She doesn't really socialize or anything and she just keeps to herself. Until Nico. Nico is amazing with her. He knows she has issues she needs to deal with, but he is going to be there for her. As soon as he sees her he knows she is the one for him. He will do whatever it takes to be with her.
Nico really was the sweetest guy ever! He is nothing but kind and loving towards Sophie. He keeps asking her out even though she keeps turning him down. He sees that she is interested, but she has been by herself for so long it is scary for her. He sees that and tries his hardest to go slow and be gentle with her. He is the least caveman alpha of all the brothers, at least with Sophie. I loved him. When Sophie starts getting help with her past he is there for her. When she feels stupid because what happened to her is not nearly as bad as what has happened to others he is there to make her see that even if it wasn't as bad, it still is as bad for her. It effected her on this level so it is bad. He is so proud of her and supports her through everything. Until he can no longer move forward because she is using her fear to prevent that. Then he turns his caveman ways on her and won't deal with it anymore. He gives her time, but at some point you have to take a chance and that is what he makes her do. It is still from a place of caring for her and wanting her to be a part of his life. He wants to marry her and have her be a part of his family. I loved Nico. He was beyond amazing and just the nicest guy to Sophie.
Sophie does get help and moves on from her past with help from Nico. The ending was interesting since at the start Sophie was the one afraid of everything, but after everything that happened they kind of switched places. Nico had a hard time dealing with everything and it was nice to see them both be so support of the other. It was nice to see them work through everything together and get help when needed. Man I loved this book. Although it is a little sad since there are no more brothers to read about...luckily we will get another series with some of the side characters from this series. I cannot wait for more from Aurora Rose Reynolds! I just loved her books.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2
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