Bad Girlfriend by Kirsten DeMuzio

Bad Girlfriend
Brooke Mills has only ever wanted to be loved. The product of a teenage pregnancy and raised by her grandmother, Brooke went looking for love in all the wrong places. She has been the other woman or someone’s dirty little secret more times than she cares to admit. When Brooke’s questionable judgment lands her in the bed of her new neighbor, it’s the wakeup call she needs to change her ways. With the help of her friends, Brooke is determined to find a nice guy.
Adam Branigan is the new principal of the elementary school. Despite the way he and Brooke met, Adam knows there’s more to the beautiful redhead than meets the eye. He wants to be the guy to show Brooke that she deserves more than late night booty calls. But will outside pressures and past relationships conspire to tear them apart?
Bad Girlfriend is the fourth book in the First & Last series by Kirsten DeMuzio. I loved the second and third books, so I was hoping for an equally amazing story in this fourth book. Bad Girlfriend was good, I did really enjoy it, but something was missing. Something made me not like it as much as the others. It is not bad, I would recommend it, but the characters didn't grab me as much as the other ones did. I don't know why.
Brooke is the town bad girl. She has a reputation for sleeping around, but what she really wants is a boyfriend. A guy who will take her out on dates, is nice, and doesn't only want her to have sex. When the book opens she is Chet's booty call. She knows she shouldn't, but she just can't help giving in when he wants to come over for sex then leave right away again. He is just like most of the guys she has been involved with. She has pretty low self esteem and just lets guys use her. She has been raised by her grandmother after her mother abandoned her and she still has issues with that abandonment. When Chet says he will take her out on a real date the next week Brooke is over the moon. It seems like she doesn't even care who it is, if anyone showed her any hint of attention she would just love whoever it was. Maybe this is why I didn't like the book as much. Yes, she does try to make sure Adam is worth it. She follows her friends rules they made for her so the next guy won't just use her. But she never really deals with her abandonment issues and her need for male attention. I think if the story would have had just a little bit of how she grows and changes and is okay by herself it would have been a lot better.
Adam is the new principal of the elementary school. He is young and attractive and the single ladies are lining up for him. From the first time he sees Brooke out his window (he is renting the garage apartment from her grandmother) he is intrigued. The first time they meet is when Chet blows off his date with Brooke and Adam happens to be there. They get drunk and sleep together, something neither of them really remember. Brooke is so embarrassed, here she goes again being a slut (that is how she sees herself). Adam feels bad because that is not how he should treat a girl. They both blame themselves for what happened and it is a bit awkward at first. Then they start actually dating and it is sweet. Adam is a great guy and he likes Brooke for Brooke. Brooke's self esteem issues are an issue throughout, especially when Adam's ex comes back to town to try and get him back. It is a bit heartbreaking seeing how down on herself Brooke can be. Obviously Adam likes her the way she is, she doesn't need to change and be something else.
There are also other ridiculous issues, which Adam agrees are ridiculous. They get resolved and everything is great at the end, but I really wish we could have seen Brooke grow and get her self confidence. I just feel like that was missing, like until she was okay by herself maybe she shouldn't have been with anyone. Like maybe she should have worked on herself, then started dating Adam. Oh well. It was still an enjoyable, sweet read, but not my favorite by this author.
Rating: ★ ★ ★1/2
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