The Chocolate Heart by Laura Florand

The Chocolate Heart (Amour et Chocolat)
No one hates Paris--except Summer Corey. The moody winters. The artists and their ennui. The inescapable shadow of the Tour Eiffel. But things go from bad to worse when Summer stumbles into brooding, gorgeous chef pâtissier Luc Leroi and indecently propositions the hero of French cuisine...
Luc has scrambled up from a childhood panhandling in the Paris Métro to become the king of his city, and he has no patience for this spoiled princess, even if she does now own his restaurant. Who cares if she smiles with all the warmth of July? She doesn't eat dessert!
There is only one way to tempt her. A perfect, impossibly sweet seduction...
The Chocolate Heart is the fifth book by Laura Florand I have read. Man do I enjoy her books. This chocolate series is really amazing. It makes me want to eat decedent chocolates, something I normally do not want to do. I am not the biggest chocolate fan, though once and a while I do enjoy a small piece of good dark chocolate.
In this book we have the story of Summer and Luc. This was probably my second favorite book in this series. It just seems no one can beat Dominique from The Chocolate Touch...anyways in this book especially it was good that we get the point of view of both Summer and Luc. They both have issues communicating with the other, and if I only had one of the POV's I would probably have hated the other person. When you read what they are thinking you are like of course, but then they don't express that as well as they should so the other person misunderstands and there are issues created. Without both of their thoughts you wouldn't really know what was going on with the other person.
Summer is used to people leaving her. Her parents never seemed to want to stick around, boyfriends always leave, or people just want her for her money. She is very insecure in a lot of ways, and she gets blackmailed by her dad to come to Paris and run the hotel he purchased for her. She gets draw away from her tiny island where she teaches the children and the people really love her (but even so she realizes that the kids will go away one day and she will lose them as well). She hates Paris since she was shipped off to boarding school there as a child. It was not a pleasant experience for her and she has nothing but bad memories there.
When she first meets Luc she mistakes him for a bellboy. She is so exhausted she almost passes out and Luc ends up carrying her up to her room. In her head she thinks how great he looks and maybe she can keep him. Maybe if she gives him a boat he will sail away into the sunset. So instead of saying all of that, she just offers him a boat without a reason which really makes him angry, with reason. It seems like she is just trying to buy him off and he is Luc! He doesn't need her money.
Luc has had a rough childhood as well. He and his dad busked in the metro for many years trying to make enough money for food and a roof over their heads. His mom ran off as soon as he was born. He has risen up from the streets to be an amazing chef in the hotel restaurant. Even though Summer annoys him, he still likes her. He sends her dessert after dessert, but because of her horrible upbringing where dessert was always withheld from her (while everyone else was able to eat it) she never eats them. She really does have issues, but then so does Luc. Of course everything works out eventually, but getting there could be frustrating. I didn't hate any of the characters, but man they could use some communication lessons. Summer always thinks the worst of Luc, even when he is trying to be nice. She always takes the worst possible meaning for the things he says and does. I was just like oh Summer, what am I going to do with you? Overall another great read.
Rating: 4.5/5
The Chocolate Heart is the fifth book by Laura Florand I have read. Man do I enjoy her books. This chocolate series is really amazing. It makes me want to eat decedent chocolates, something I normally do not want to do. I am not the biggest chocolate fan, though once and a while I do enjoy a small piece of good dark chocolate.
In this book we have the story of Summer and Luc. This was probably my second favorite book in this series. It just seems no one can beat Dominique from The Chocolate Touch...anyways in this book especially it was good that we get the point of view of both Summer and Luc. They both have issues communicating with the other, and if I only had one of the POV's I would probably have hated the other person. When you read what they are thinking you are like of course, but then they don't express that as well as they should so the other person misunderstands and there are issues created. Without both of their thoughts you wouldn't really know what was going on with the other person.
Summer is used to people leaving her. Her parents never seemed to want to stick around, boyfriends always leave, or people just want her for her money. She is very insecure in a lot of ways, and she gets blackmailed by her dad to come to Paris and run the hotel he purchased for her. She gets draw away from her tiny island where she teaches the children and the people really love her (but even so she realizes that the kids will go away one day and she will lose them as well). She hates Paris since she was shipped off to boarding school there as a child. It was not a pleasant experience for her and she has nothing but bad memories there.
When she first meets Luc she mistakes him for a bellboy. She is so exhausted she almost passes out and Luc ends up carrying her up to her room. In her head she thinks how great he looks and maybe she can keep him. Maybe if she gives him a boat he will sail away into the sunset. So instead of saying all of that, she just offers him a boat without a reason which really makes him angry, with reason. It seems like she is just trying to buy him off and he is Luc! He doesn't need her money.
Luc has had a rough childhood as well. He and his dad busked in the metro for many years trying to make enough money for food and a roof over their heads. His mom ran off as soon as he was born. He has risen up from the streets to be an amazing chef in the hotel restaurant. Even though Summer annoys him, he still likes her. He sends her dessert after dessert, but because of her horrible upbringing where dessert was always withheld from her (while everyone else was able to eat it) she never eats them. She really does have issues, but then so does Luc. Of course everything works out eventually, but getting there could be frustrating. I didn't hate any of the characters, but man they could use some communication lessons. Summer always thinks the worst of Luc, even when he is trying to be nice. She always takes the worst possible meaning for the things he says and does. I was just like oh Summer, what am I going to do with you? Overall another great read.
Rating: 4.5/5
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