We interrupt this program...

Have you read Inevitable by Angela Graham yet?

Yes? Well then you probably already know that book two comes out on Friday!!!! Yes that really does deserve 4 exclamation marks. Well it probably deserves way more, but let's not get too carried away here. Have you been counting down the days as I have?

No you haven't? Really? Why not? Go get yourself a copy pronto!! Seriously it was one of the best books I have read this year and it feels like I have been waiting a lifetime for the second book. So do yourself a favor and go get this book! It is amazing. For reals. Then once you have finished (and it will probably be late at night/early in the morning because it is so good that once you start you will not want to put it down. Sleep? Who needs sleep when you could be reading this book?) you will be ready for the release of the second book! Now stop wasting time reading this and go get this book! Reviews of both books to come next week.

Also as a side note - book reviews will start up again next week. We have family staying with us so I am not able to read much, but it will be back to business as usual next week.


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